Corporate law and employment law with a pragmatic approach

Vestius Advocaten is a law firm specialising in corporate law and employment law. We represent both Dutch and international clients in our Dutch and cross-border practice. We focus entirely on our legal expertise. Our legal advice is therefore based on knowledge, skills and experience. Transparency and efficiency are paramount.

Corporate law and employment law with a pragmatic approach

Vestius Advocaten is a law firm specialising in corporate law and employment law. We represent both Dutch and international clients in our Dutch and cross-border practice. We focus entirely on our legal expertise. Our legal advice is therefore based on knowledge, skills and experience. Transparency and efficiency are paramount.


Scherpe onderhandelaars die voor u het onderste uit de kan halen


Strategische sparringpartners die uw HR-afdeling ontlasten


Vasthoudende procestijgers die voor u door het vuur gaan


Doortastende contractspecialisten die uw contracten onder de loep leggen

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